I like the winter and colder weather. Ok, let me clarify that I like the winter here. I like the low 30s at night and high 50s in the day. And not always (like during soccer games) but I love rain. It started raining last night and I slept well. This morning it is still raining and the view out my window is different. The leaves and vines are wet. The drops that are hanging on to the bushes are magical. We don't get snow here very often, I can only imagine the beauty it brings. I know the reality of snow and rain when I have to be out in it but from my window, it is pretty cool. My 5 top thankful things.
2. Family and Sunday lunches3. Prayer
4. My staff at work; they are hard working and keep on keeping on no matter what craziness is going on
5. Broken seashells and glass in a jar