Sunday, January 20, 2013

January Sunday

Whenever there are times I do not know what would be the right thing to do, I have learned to seek guidance from nature and God. From nature, I see such beauty. Though the branches are bare, inside growth is starting again. I am learning to do this myself. I am trying to get back to blogging and connecting with my art. Writing and blogging is a personal growth that makes me feel good and the art I find is amazing Looking forward to a new journey this year, hope you come along with me. If you have any thoughts on how to begin again without feeling overwhelmed I would love to hear from you. One item I do want to begin again is my Top 5 list.

Today I am truly thankful for

1. Crisp beauty in the morning
2. Family and daughters
3. Simple prayers
4. Embossing
5. Ink on my fingers again

Have a beauty and peaceful day, Amanda

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