Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summer Sunday thoughts

Summer for me is busy. Well maybe not as busy as during school year but that is even changing. To start my baby is a Senior and a DRIVER.. yep she has an official driver licence as of Friday. So now she will be more independent. And this summer, I have more "me time" but I am filling that quickly. Last weekend I did a big jump. I joined an art swap (creative lenna swaps). For this swap, you must create 3 mail art postcards and the theme is "A summer's day..." My take will be water related for sure. Here is a peak at my first one. Created this palm tree from a stamp but made it with scrap paper. Sewed on the palm leaves and colored the coconuts. Well got to go and work on the backyard before it gets hot. Lots to be thankful for.. top 5

1. Creative thoughts happen everywhere
2. Daughter doing some of my errands
3. Learning to take simple approaches to life moments
4. Slow success on weight loss making big impacts
5. Fun with my family

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